Friday, December 16, 2011


There is a difference between a vision and a dream, but there exists another form of  experience that is accessible in the short moment between the waking and dreaming life.

I was transported to, what appeared to be a large residence camp which was situated in a field at the base of a mountain.  Here, hundreds of people were living in tents and larger tent like structures, constructed of plastic tarps, poles, and such.  There was one general food and water distribution center of which the people were waiting in line for daily rations.  There was an all encompassing gloominess amongst the crowd.  These people were generally unhappy with their situations and lives.  Perched on the rocky cliffs of the overlooking mountain was an enormous cathedral.  I assumed the structure was made of marble as its stark white reflection was blinding.  This was an odd phenomenon, as the sky was black and overcast with clouds.  The light form the giant cathedral appeared to be somehow generated from within the structure itself.  It was then that I realized the church was literally draining the life-force from the people below.  Set up with the intent to help and provide light, this structure was using the idea of such light and hope as a ruse.  By tricking the people living in the field, the church was draining the exact life-force that  it promised to restore...

I have not yet meditated on the symbolism of this experience for fear that it is clear... and not shrouded in mystery...

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I initially drew a circle, with my fingers, in the dew on the grass.
The clouds overhead casted their shadows, as they passed the blue light of the moon.
Sitting silently, I felt the presence of a great beast in the distance.
An owl swooped overhead and startled me.
As I regained control, a beautiful woman entered the circle.
I enveloped us both in my garment, blocking out the light of the moon.
Suddenly the darkness became illuminated, as if the light was emanating directly from the woman herself.
I was instructed in the ritual of the wand and the cup.
Once achieving control, the woman became the owl and flew away.
I caught a glimpse of the great beast, slithering along the edge of the tree line, but I was not scared.
I then de-robed, leaving the circle with nothing but myself.
I climbed a mountainous cliff, where I came upon a cave.
Upon entering the cave, I was attacked by a large cat.
While on the ground, I grabbed a rock, and bludgeoned the animal to death.
After breaking the rock into a sharp shard, I gutted, and dressed the animal keeping only the fur of which I wore.
I built a fire to which I burned the animal’s carcass as an offering to the gods.
The great beast drew near.
Grabbing a large stick from the fire, I drew a new circle around my perimeter, 
this time made of flames.

After having this vision, I researched the symbolism, only to find that I had encountered the Greek goddess Diana.  The question here would be, how much of this information was retained in my mind previous to the vision?  I have, after all, read my fare share of Greek myths.  On the other hand, Jung found so many similarities within different cultures, pertaining to these "coincidental" phenomenons, that are similar to this.

Language is simply an agreed upon system of symbols, employed to describe our visual experiences ( I suppose visual could also explain the experiences of the mind )...

Imagery is simply information...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Cronus castrated the great Uranus with his sickle, spilling his seed into the waters of Mother Earth

The Druids castrated the mighty oak by removing the mistletoe from it's branches


Crowley may have created Nessie by inviting the great Leviathan into the Boleskine House - overlooking Loch Ness

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Tracking encounters with the Unconscious
Accepting it as reality is psychosis
The analysis of it is magic

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Influenced by

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Saturn 3,9,15,45.
Jupiter 4,16,34,136
Mars 5,25,65,325
Venus 7,49,175,1225
Mercury 8,64,260,2080
Luna 9,81,369,3321

Crowley, Liber 777, pp.35-36

Monday, April 4, 2011


Nothing is in existence 
until the seed is planted in thought

Everything is already in existence
and only manifests
when obtained from the nothing
by thought

Power can be given
when attention is given
through words

Ectoplasm is imaginary
Imagination is creation
the act of creating an imaginary substance
provides it with life
giving it power
thus making it so (real)

What is real?

Monday, March 28, 2011


is a symbol for purification
the Sun can be phallic
the wand is will
the moon yonic
the cup is compassion
and the Pentagram is of your physical possessions or worldly matters

Metaphor is a dangerous but effective medium of communication
you have all been forewarned
Upon also only contains one P

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



Monday, February 21, 2011


Golden phallus

Monday, February 14, 2011



Friday, February 4, 2011


1.  Calcination
2.  Dissolution
3.  Separation
4.  Conjunction
5.  Fermentation
6.  Distillation
7.  Coagulation

The guise of chemistry is brilliant
for the ones seeking gold will never journey through calcination
forever stuck in this world
The Kingdom

Monday, January 24, 2011


This one was particularly troubling
It doesn't matter if it makes sense to you
because it still doesn't make sense to me

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I have been working on a story.  I never finish anything that I start so don't worry about it ever becoming anything, so I thought.  In this grouping of words, the main character is masturbating in the shower, wishing for the morning off of work.  This act of wishing while pleasing himself tricks the universe into dumping nine inches of snow on the town that this degenerate happens to work in...
I am sitting in front of my computer, re-reading this exact story, while we are expected to get nine inches of snow, thus canceling my class for the morning...

Sorry, no pictures...I guess this time you will have to use your IMAGINATION...